Program Learning Outcome (PLO)

Based on the formulated PEOs and graduate profiles, appropriate PLOs are designed. The formulated PLOs contain graduate competencies, including mastery of knowledge, improvement of attitudes, and skills building regarding agricultural extension and communication sciences. PLOs are indicators used as references for each existing course to achieve competent graduates. In detail, there are nine PLOs of AEC SP, UNS as presented in Table below.

PLO-1 Have commitment to ethics and professional responsibilities, high integrity, being democratic, ethical, able to work together, and willing to have lifelong learning.
PLO-2 Master knowledge and technology in agriculture in general (technical, economic, and social) and being able to formulate procedural and comprehensive solutions to agricultural development problems.
PLO-3 Master special knowledge and technology in AEC in the framework of community empowerment based on its roles as organiser, innovator, facilitator, motivator, dynamist, creator, and catalyst.
PLO-4 Have the ability to synergise stakeholders and various interests in decision-making to make agricultural extension effective and empowering communities.
PLO-5 Have the ability to plan, implement, and evaluate agricultural development programmes and community empowerment professionally in the context of developing community participation in a sustainable manner.
PLO-6 Master and implementing the theory of communication and information technology in planning and developing innovation efforts.
PLO-7 Have the ability to analyse, manage, and communicate innovation in agriculture to stakeholders as well as develop synergy to build progressive agriculture. 
PLO-8 Have the ability to analyse the ecological, social, cultural, and economic conditions of a particular community, initiating its changing prospect based on justice and sustainability by taking into account the local, regional, national and global context. 
PLO-9 Have the ability to conduct research in the field of community change, agricultural extension, and communication, as well as community empowerment according to the principles of the scientific methods.