
AEC SP, UNS is one of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes at Faculty of Agriculture, UNS, Surakarta. AEC SP, UNS has a long and winding history. It was established in 1996 based on Decision of the Director General of Higher Education, No.222/Dikti/Kep/1996 UNS Rector’s Decision 1405/UN27/HK/2021 as the development of the study programme majoring in Rural Sociology. In subsequent development, based on UNS Rector’s Decision, No. 123/J27.23/KP/2004, AEC SP UNS was changed to Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication. Furthermore, starting in 2007, there was a change with the issuance of Decision of Director General of Higher Education Number 163 of 2007 concerning Arrangement and Codification of Study Programmes, where Department of Agricultural Extension and Communication and Agricultural Social Economics Department merged to become Agribusiness Study Programme. Therefore, from Academic Year 2008/2009 to March 2013, AEC SP, UNS did accept new students. During that time, no decision regarding the Deactivation of AEC SP in the Faculty of Agriculture UNS was issued by the university leaders. Finally, in April 2013, AEC SP, UNS (together with Soil Science Study Programme) was granted a permit to organise a study programme with the name Agricultural Extension and Communication Study Programme (AEC SP) pursuant to Decision of Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 115/E/O/2013 concerning the Re-enactment of Permits to Administer Study Programmes in UNS. It can be explained that the naming of the study programme can be represented by the PEOs descriptions above. Furthermore, the descriptions of the PLOs have been adjusted to the PEOs. The PEOs of AEC SP (pkp.fp.uns.ac.id). 

The efforts to develop Agricultural Extension Science at UNS Surakarta have made significant progress. In Academic Year 2001/2002, Masters’ Programme (S2) in Development Counselling was established at UNS Postgraduate Programme (Decision of Director General of Higher Education No. 2591/D/T/2001). In Academic Year 2008/2009, a Doctorate Programme (S3) in Counselling on Development/Community Empowerment was also established (Decision of Director General of Higher Education No. 06/D/T/2008.